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商品详细Omega Bio-Tek/E.Z.N.A.无内切质粒Maxi试剂盒/6-preps/D6926-01
Omega Bio-Tek/E.Z.N.A.无内切质粒Maxi试剂盒/6-preps/D6926-01
Omega Bio-Tek/E.Z.N.A.无内切质粒Maxi试剂盒/6-preps/D6926-01
商品编号: D6926-01
品牌: omegabiotek
市场价: ¥2320.00
美元价: 1160.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 血清
公司分类: serum
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com


The E.Z.N.A.® Endo-Free Plasmid Maxi Kit provides an efficient method for the large-scale isolation of low-endotoxin plasmid DNA. The system utilizes Lysate Clearance Filter Syringes instead of centrifugation to rapidly clear bacterial lysates post-alkaline lysis. Following lysate clearance, endotoxins are removed, and the protocol follows a simple “bind-wash-elute” procedure to deliver high-quality plasmid DNA. The yields vary according to plasmid copy number, E. coli strain, and growth conditions. 50-200 mL of bacterial cultures in LB medium typically produces 0.6-1.2 mg of high copy number plasmid DNA. Up to 500 mL of culture may be processed when working with low copy number plasmid. The system uses centrifugation or vacuum technology for plasmid purification and eliminates the time-consuming gravity-flow columns that require alcohol precipitation. Purified plasmid DNA is suitable for sensitive downstream applications such as transfection of mammalian cells, cloning, automated fluorescent DNA sequencing (typical reads exceed 800 bp), next-generation sequencing, restriction enzyme digestion, ligation, PCR, in vitro transcription, transformation, etc.

  • Rapid – Purification of plasmid DNA in <>
  • Safe – No phenol/chloroform extractions
  • Versatile – Spin and vacuum formats available
  • High-quality – Transfection grade, low-endotoxin plasmid DNA (< 1="">


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Downstream ApplicationTransfection, gene therapy, cloning, in vitro Transcription, Next-GenerationSequencing, PCR, Transformation, restriction digestion, ligation
Starting material50-200 mL LB culture with OD600 between 2 and 3; or equivalent
Plasmid typeHigh-copy, low-copy, cosmid DNA
Processing modeManual (centrifugation or vacuum)
Throughput1 - 24
DNA binding technologySilica Maxi Spin Column
Lysate clearance methodFiltration using Lysate clearance syringe
Processing time<45>
Yield600-1200 µg for high copy-number; 50-300 µg for low copy-number
Special noteIncludes endotoxin removal step

Protocol and Resources

Product Documentation & Literature


D6915 D6926 Endo-Free Plasmid Midi Maxi Kit


D6926 SDS


Product Data

Figure 1 Title

Figure 1.  pEGFP-N1 plasmid was purified from 200 mL DH5α cultures harboring the plasmid using Omega Bio-tek’s E.Z.N.A.® Endo-Free Plasmid Maxi Kit following manufacturer’s recommended protocol. Plasmid DNA was eluted in 2 mL volume and quantified using Thermo Scientific’s NanoDrop™ 2000c system. The Endotoxin concentration was estimated based on a Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL) assay.


FREE SAMPLE, 2 preps, 6 preps, 25 preps, 100 preps


Maxiprep, Endo-free

Omega Bio-Tek公司自1998年成立以来,核酸纯化技术一直处于前列.Omega 第二代Hibind 硅胶柱具有很大的灵活性,利用硅胶膜的优势,可以从动物,植物,培养细胞,凝胶和溶液中提取和纯化DNA/RNA, 产品覆盖整个核酸领域,并且稳定的质量和优质的服务一直受到全球的科研,企业客户所喜爱.2004年,Omega Bio-tek公司授权广州飞扬生物工程有限公司为中国总代理,为国内科研和企业客户进行服务.Omega Bio-Tek公司的主要客户:孟山都、美国农业部等